The concept of biological age

The importance and current status of assessing biological age.

Before talking about how to stay young, we need to actually talk about what staying young really means. It does require first of all measuring „youngness“. This can`t be in terms of candles on our birthday cake, i.e. our chronological age, but should actually measure our biological age or BioAge in short as a comprehensive metric of where we are physiologically and mentally on this sliding aging scale. So, it is BioAge which really matters.

Fortunately, there has been a lot of recent development in measuring BioAge although there is still much work to be done. At Integrail we take the perspective that perfect should not become enemy of good and take what the scientific community currently puts in the number one spot for BioAge assessment (compare Moqri et al., 2023) well knowing that this might change as science progresses. At the moment, the third generation of epigenetic clocks is perceived to be best correlated with actual aging. Specifically the DunedinPace mechanism combines the foundation of this third generation with a sensitivity to assess recent aging interventions by providing the current rate of aging. We aim to provide this assessment to our clients as part of the Standard Assess package. Further below, we will use this metric of epigenetic BioAge measurement as well as key input to assess different aging interventions.

At the same time, there is still significant debate on these clocks`validity and we do not want to be naive and put all our hope epigenetic clocks before them being fully ready for prime time. For that reason we are as well developing our own longevity status assessment based on established clinical biomarkers which are part of your basic screening assessment and will as well ask you, dear client, for your very own subjective feedback on various functional dimensions (thank you already now for your collaboration).

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